Quake 4 strogg torso unit
Quake 4 strogg torso unit

Where you arrived on some kind of surgery room filled with captured marine ready for their parts to be store Strogg. The left door open head through the right door where you find some ammo for machine gun turn around and head left. Thus, they make separated ways to go so that it can returned very soon to sent reinforcement to pick them up. Voss transmission to everyone else as the situation become FUBAR. But was shot down and destroy making to escape to Hannibal aborted. Once almost reaching, the drop-ship is being targeted by enemies forces was to force leave. The requested is acceptable as telling Anderson to escort you to the nearby drop-ship. Voss requested in transmission to report on you that need to be immediately evacuation of injuring condition. Where featuring the containment fill with Tactical Strogg. Your squad asks you to grab whatever weapons you can carry as you follow your team-mate through the facility. When you're out, you are completely unarmed. You are now physically a Strogg, but your mind is still human. However, Rhino Squad comes to the rescue, destroying the enemy equipment and freeing you from the stasis. You awaken in a stasis pod and nearly have your control chip activated, rendering you a mindless slave of the Strogg. This allows you to translate Strogg language into English, but you once again black out from the pain. Afterwards, a control chip is implanted directly inside your brain. You wake up to have Strogg cybernetics grafted onto you. Second, your legs are sawed off causing you to black out. First you are scanned, then steroids are injected into your heart that will keep you alive during the transformation. There is nothing you can do - only accept becoming one of them. In the beginning of the level, you are captured and about to be Stroggified. Also, after Kane gets Stroggified, he can now access the Strogg Health Stations, and even read Strogg language in the translation. This is also the first and only level the Strogg Scientist appear, and the first level Teleport Droppers are seen. Kane loses all his weapons, but can get them all back in this level, and obtain a Rocket Launcher. With the help of Private Anderson, he must escape the facility for evac, though the pickup aircraft has been shot down shortly after its arrival.

Quake 4 strogg torso unit full#

Rhino Squad locates him, and was able to free him before he became full Strogg. Matthew Kane has been captured by the Makron and gets brutally Stroggified. Strogg Medical Facilities is the thirteenth level in Quake 4.

Quake 4 strogg torso unit